The GuanchesĪnother group said to be high in rh negative blood are the Guanches of the Canary Islands. However, recent studies have indicated that in Northern Ireland, the percentage of rh negative people is somewhere around 27%. Ireland is reported to have around 25% rh negatives in several reports while others demonstrate more of a percentage of around 15-16. Noticable as well: In the west coast region of Inverness where the rh negative percentage has been measured at 30.44%, the percentage of blood type O has also been noted as substancially high.įor more information on Scotland and its percentages of rh negative, please continue here. Between 20 and a little bit over 30 percent of rh negatives can be expected in most of the extreme northern and western regions. Scotland is one of the locations where there is a strong variation of blood type frequencies based on location. Could it be that this is the original location of the Rh-negative population that then moved to Morocco and Algiers to become the Berbers? Or would it be the other way around? These people may originally have been the sailors on Chad lake.
Only part of this lake still exists on the spot where the boundaries of Chad, Niger, Nigeria and Cameroon meet. On his map, he shows an Rh-negative population in Chad, still living near the formerly enormous Chad lake. In addition, Cavalli-Sforza reports two small isolated populations of the same tribe, one in Chad and another in Senegal, each with about 25%. The people of northwest Ireland, the Highland Scots and the western islanders of Norway all have between 16 and 25%, while the Lapps of Norway and Finland have between 5 and 7%. The next highest are the Basques, reported in different publications as having 25 and 32%, depending on location. The highest percentage is found among some of the tribes still living in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco (40%).
On a national average, Moroccans are around 9 percent rh negative. Reports indicate that depending on location, 21-43 percent have been the percentages of rh negatives amongst them.Īnother group often mentioned are the Berber tribes in the Atlas mountain region of Morocco. When talking about the people with the highest percentage of rh negatives, the Basque population keeps popping up as the number 1 group in the world. We are all a mix of ancient tribes and the closer we get to the source of each tribe, the easier it becomes for us to pinpoint which genetic ancestry is mostly responsible for rh negative blood.
With Scotland not being an independent country, their high number of rh negatives impact the percentage.Ģ) Some believe that amongst the prisoners England located to Australia, a very high percentage was rh negative.īut when we examine high percentages of rh negative people, the wisest approach would be to ignore national levels for the most part. Here are a couple of factors that are likely to cause this:ġ) A high percentage of Australians have Scottish and Irish ancestry. On a national level, Australia tops the percentage of rh negatives with 19%. Rh negative hotspots: Poland On a national level, new data shows Poland having a slightly higher percentage of Rh(D) negative within the population.