Unlike Sen, this one is fourtnately much better received because what they followed was the graphical presentation the gameplay remains the same (with more bonus stuff included) as the classic series. The 2019 reboot takes a number of cues from Street Fighter IV, right down to the 2.5D gameplay, the heavy ink lines on the character models, and the watercolor-inspired art style.Executive Meddling: SNK's community manager admitted during one of his streams that it was him who convinced producer Oda to include Iroha in 2019 by showing him all the interest from fans all over the world for her return.Came to a head when the demo for the 2019 game and the beta for Granblue launched on the same day in May 2019. Both games return to a slower-paced style of fighting, drastically different from the fast-paced "airdasher" games that have surged in popularity since the late 2000s. Dueling Works: Between the 2019 installment and Granblue Fantasy Versus.

Distanced from Current Events: The global bowdlerization of Samurai Shodown V Special for the home releases was apparently spurred in part by the Sasebo Slashing.IV became Pae Wang Jeon Seol: Legend of a Warrior.Completely Different Title: Samurai Shodown II, III and IV were given different titles for the Korean market, likely due to laws at the time regarding references to Japanese culture in games.This is not the first time that Amakusa's voice actor in the reboot, Shusaku Shirakawa, has voiced a bishonen possessed by an evil entity who was on the receiving end of unjust treatment.